


Configuration for a section that consists of an id, a label to be used in the navigation, and a list of pages that this section contains.




Type string

The ID of this section. Must be unique across an app

Type string

The label for this section. This will be used to represent this section in the navigation stepper.

Type string[]

A list of page-ids that belong to this section. When a user is on one of these pages the respective section will be marked as active.

visibleIf (Optional)
Type string

An optional jsonPath expression or PFE_EXPRESSION condition that dictates whether this section will be visible

import {
} from '@allianz/taly-core';
import { NxTreeNode } from '@aposin/ng-aquila/tree';
import { DynamicFormBBConfiguration } from './dynamic-form-config.model';

 * Configuration for Frame Parts (Navigation, Footer etc)
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface Frame {
   * Set to true to generate an application without header and footer. Defaults to false.
   * @default false
  chromeless?: boolean;
  footer?: FooterConfiguration;
  header?: HeaderConfiguration;
  stage?: StageConfiguration;
  navigation?: FrameNavigationConfig;
  content?: FrameContentConfiguration;
   * Set to true to use the spinner provided by TALY Frame. Spinner will block the entire
   * frame whenever the application is busy with network requests.
   * @default false
  spinner?: boolean;
   * Configuration for displaying the offer code below the action buttons.
  offerCode?: OfferCodeConfiguration;

 * Provide copyright text & links to be shown in the footer
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface FooterConfiguration {
   * Copyright Holder. The copyright symbol and the current year is automatically added to the configured value.
   * If no copyright holder is specified, “Allianz” is set as the default.
   * @default "Allianz"
   * @examples ["Allianz Australia Limited"]
  copyrightHolder?: string;
   * Array of links to be shown in footer
  links?: FooterLink[];
   * Subline that will be displayed below the main footer content
   * @examples ["Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 111 222 333. AFS Licence No. 234567"]
  subline?: string;

 * Provide the label & path for the footer link
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface FooterLink {
   * Is this an internal router path or external url?
  external?: boolean;
   * Unique id for the footer link. If provided, this will be used as part of the i18n key
  id?: string;
   * Text to be shown to the user
  label?: string;
   * The url or the router path for the link
  path?: string;

 * Provide additional configuration for the frame header.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface HeaderConfiguration {
   * Provide a list of configurations for Building Blocks. They will show up as
   * nx-header-actions within the NDBX header. The resources configured for these Building
   * Blocks must only contain static values. PFE_STORE_QUERY or similar storage engines are
   * not supported here.
  actions?: HeaderAction[];

export type HeaderAction = Omit<BaseBuildingBlockConfiguration, 'buildingBlockStyle' | 'sidebar'>;

 * Provide additional configuration for the frame content.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface FrameContentConfiguration {
   * Whether the content should be centered in the available space. Only applies to Expert journeys.
  centered?: boolean;

export interface OfferCodeConfiguration {
   * The PFE state location where an offer code is stored
   * @examples ["$.offerCode"]
  stateKey?: string;

 * Describe the configuration of your Building Block. This is required for generation and
 * runtime.
 * @additionalProperties false
export type BuildingBlockConfiguration =
  | BuildingBlockConfigurationWithSection
  | BuildingBlockConfigurationWithPanel;

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface BuildingBlockConfigurationWithSection
  extends BaseBuildingBlockConfiguration,
    ConfigurationWithSection {}

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface BuildingBlockConfigurationWithPanel
  extends BaseBuildingBlockConfiguration,
    ConfigurationWithPanel {}

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface ConfigurationWithSection {
   * Optionally provide a section Id for this Building Block. A Building Block without a
   * section will be treated as its own section.
  section?: string;
  panel?: never;

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface ConfigurationWithPanel {
   * When a list of panels (on #/definitions/page) is given, use this value to refer to a panel.
   * @examples ["some-panel"]
  panel?: string;
  section?: never;

export interface BaseBuildingBlockConfiguration extends BuildingBlockAndDynamicFormIntersection {
  buildingBlockStyle?: BuildingBlockStyle;
   * Provide the name of the module which provides the Building Block. Will be imported from
   * the described package. Secondary entry points are not yet supported.
   * @examples ["PolicyClientInformationModule"]
  module: string;
   * Provide a mapping from an internal navigation event (key) to an actual page id (value). Instead of a page id you can also use implicit navigation to go back ("NAVIGATE_BACK"), forward ("NAVIGATE_NEXT") or home ("NAVIGATE_HOME").
   * @examples [{ "home": "NAVIGATE_HOME", "payment": "payment-page", "back": "NAVIGATE_BACK" }]
  navigation?: { [key: string]: string };
   * Provide the package name where this Building Block was published before.
   * @examples ["@allianz/building-blocks"]
  package: string;
  resources?: ResourcesConfiguration;
   * Selector of the given Building Block to output it on the given page.
   * @examples ["bb-some-building-block"]
  selector: string;
   * Should this building block be shown in the sidebar? This only affects expert applications.
  sidebar?: boolean;
  validators?: ValidationRule[];

export interface BuildingBlockAndDynamicFormIntersection {
   * Provide the acl identifier. Optional, the id will be used as the default fallback.
   * @examples ["some-building-block"]
  aclTag?: string;
   * Provide any type of data that you want to offer as the example state to be assigned when
   * being used together with a Building Block debugger
  exampleState?: unknown;
   * Identify a Building Block on a page. Used as the PFE Store namespace and to identify a
   * resource within an ACL rule. The Id must be unique on a single and usually should be
   * unique across your application. TALY dasherizes the configured Building Block Id.
   * @examples ["some-building-block"]
  id: string;
   * Provide a mapping from an emitted business event (key) to a PFE service activator or a PFE action (value).
   * @examples [{ "request-offers": "fetch-offers" }, { "request-offers": { "handlerType": "PFE_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR", "config": { "path": "offers" } } }, { "button-clicked": { "handlerType": "PFE_ACTION", "config": { "type": "DO_SOMETHING_INTERESTING" } } }]
  businessEvents?: { [key: string]: BusinessEventConfig };

 * @additionalProperties false
export type OverarchingDetailsBlockConfiguration = Omit<
  'buildingBlockStyle' | 'sidebar'

 * @additionalProperties false
export type BannerBlockConfiguration = Omit<BaseBuildingBlockConfiguration, 'sidebar'>;

 * Apply styling options to this Building Block.
export type BuildingBlockStyle = BaseBuildingBlockStyle | CompactBuildingBlockStyle;

 * @additionalProperties false
interface BaseBuildingBlockStyle {
   * The Building Block will have a background color that spans the full browser width.
   * @default "transparent"
  backgroundColor?: string;
   * This Building Block will have less vertical paddings (16px in retail and 8px in expert).
   * Only applicable when `backgroundColor` is set.
   * @default false
  compact?: false;

 * @additionalProperties false
interface CompactBuildingBlockStyle extends Omit<BaseBuildingBlockStyle, 'compact'> {
   * The Building Block will have a background color that spans the full browser width.
   * @default "transparent"
  backgroundColor: string;
   * This Building Block will have less vertical paddings (16px in retail and 8px in expert).
   * Only applicable when `backgroundColor` is set.
   * @default false
  compact: true;

export type NotificationContext = 'info' | 'error' | 'success' | 'warning';

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface BaseNotificationConfig {
   * The title of the notification. It can be fully static or a string containing a jsonPath expression. The static content will be translatable.
   * @examples ["My Title", "Note about postal addresses in {$.country}"]
  title?: string;
   * The message of the notification. It can be fully static or a string containing a jsonPath expression. The static content will be translatable. Use Markdown for formatting.
   * @examples [
   *  "My Message",
   *  "First name: {$['bb-pgr-simple'].person.firstName}. Full name: {$['bb-pgr-simple'].person.firstName} {$['bb-pgr-simple'].person.lastName}.",
   *  "text with [link]( and list\n- item 1\n- [list link]( Also supports dynamic data like: {$['bb-pgr-simple'].person.firstName}",
   *  "You can also link to internal pages by using the 'page://' prefix and the `pageId` inside a Markdown link, e.g. `[internal link](page://second-page)`"
   * ]
  message: string;
   * The type of the notification
  context: Exclude<NotificationContext, 'error'>;
   * Whether the notification can be closed by the user
  closable?: boolean;
   * An optional jsonPath expression or PFE_EXPRESSION condition that dictates whether this notification will be visible
   * @examples ["$.section1.visible", "{$.bb1.person.firstName} == {$.bb2.person.firstName}"]
  visibleIf?: string;

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface ErrorNotificationConfig
  extends Omit<BaseNotificationConfig, 'closable' | 'context'> {
   * The type of the notification
  context: Extract<NotificationContext, 'error'>;

export type NotificationConfig = BaseNotificationConfig | ErrorNotificationConfig;

 * Configuration for the Taly frame stage
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface StageConfiguration {
  backLink?: BackLink;

 * Configuration for back link in the stage
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface BackLink {
  onClickServiceActivator?: string;

 * Configuration for navigation stepper
export type FrameNavigationConfig =
  | FrameNavigationConfigWithSections
  | FrameNavigationConfigWithJumpNavigationMenu;

interface FrameNavigationBaseConfig {
   * Set to true to disable the next button if the page is invalid.
   * By default, the next button is always enabled
   * @default false
  nextButtonDisabledWhenPageInvalid?: boolean;

 * @additionalProperties false
interface FrameNavigationConfigWithSections extends FrameNavigationBaseConfig {
   * This can be used to combine pages into sections. The navigation stepper will show one
   * step for each section. If you omit the sections each page will be shown as a separate
   * step.
   * @default []
  sections?: SectionConfiguration[];
  jumpNavigationMenu?: never;

 * @additionalProperties false
interface FrameNavigationConfigWithJumpNavigationMenu extends FrameNavigationBaseConfig {
  sections?: never;
   * Configuration for a jump navigation menu that allows users to navigate to different pages directly.
   * @default []
  jumpNavigationMenu?: JumpNavigationMenuConfiguration;

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface JumpNavigationMenuConfiguration {
   * A list of items that will be shown in the jump navigation menu
  items: JumpNavigationMenuEntry[];

export type JumpNavigationMenuEntry = JumpNavigationMenuParentEntry | JumpNavigationMenuLeafEntry;

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface JumpNavigationMenuParentEntry extends JumpNavigationMenuEntryBase {
  pageId?: never;
   * A list of children that will be shown in a sub menu
  children: JumpNavigationMenuLeafEntry[];

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface JumpNavigationMenuLeafEntry extends JumpNavigationMenuEntryBase {
   * The page id to navigate to when this item is clicked
  pageId: string;
  children?: never;

 * @additionalProperties false
interface JumpNavigationMenuEntryBase extends NxTreeNode {
   * The label for this item to show in the menu. This will autoamtically be translatable.
  label: string;
   * An optional icon to show next to the label. Has to be a valid NDBX icon
   * See
  icon?: string;

 * Configuration for a section that consists of an id, a label to be used in the navigation,
 * and a list of pages that this section contains.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface SectionConfiguration {
   * The ID of this section. Must be unique across an app
   * @examples ["section-a", "first-section", "introduction"]
  id: string;
   * The label for this section. This will be used to represent this section in the navigation
   * stepper.
   * @examples ["Section A", "First Section", "Introduction"]
  label: string;
   * A list of page-ids that belong to this section. When a user is on one of these pages the
   * respective section will be marked as active.
   * @examples [["page-a", "page-b", "page-c"], ["my-first-page"]]
  pages: string[];
   * An optional jsonPath expression or PFE_EXPRESSION condition that dictates whether this section will be visible
   * @examples ["$.section1.visible", "{$.bb1.person.firstName} == {$.bb2.person.firstName}"]
  visibleIf?: string;

 * @additionalProperties false
export interface LibraryConfiguration {
   * Name of the package
  package: string;
   * Version of the used package. You can use any semver compatible format as it's placed 'as
   * is' in the package.json.
   * @examples ["^1.0.0", "next", "10.0.0-beta.8"]
  version: string;

 * The page configuration that allows both Building Block and Dynamic Form configurations.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface PageConfiguration
  extends Omit<PageConfigurationWithTransformedDynamicForms, 'blocks'> {
   * Provide a list of configurations for Building Blocks. This is required for generation to
   * determine which Building Block needs to be output. This configuration is used during
   * runtime too.
   * @default []
  blocks?: (BuildingBlockConfiguration | DynamicFormBBConfiguration)[];

 * The page configuration that allows Building Block configurations. No Dynamic Form configurations are allowed.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface PageConfigurationWithTransformedDynamicForms {
   * Provide a list of configurations for Building Blocks and dynamic form Building Blocks
   * @default []
  blocks?: BuildingBlockConfiguration[];

   * The page id is used to determine the filename of the generated page. The page Id must
   * also match the page id in the PFE configuration otherwise the setup during runtime will
   * fail.
   * @examples ["my-page"]
  id: string;

  pageData?: PageData;

   * List of available panels to group other content into.
  panels?: PanelDefinition[];

   * List of available sections to group other content into.
   * @default []
  sections?: PageSectionDefinition[];

   * The page title can either be specified as a string or as an object to configure it in more detail (e.g. placing it within a stage).
   * @examples ["My Page"]
  title?: PageTitle;

   * Optional list of small print paragraphs that should be shown on this page. Use Markdown for formatting.
   * @default []
   * @examples [["This is my legal text\n with a [link](", "Other legal text with a list:\n - item 1\n - item 2", "You can also link to internal pages by using the 'page://' prefix and the `pageId` inside a Markdown link, e.g. `[internal link](page://second-page)`"]]
  smallPrint?: string[];

   * Configuration for overarching notifications
   * @additionalProperties false
  notificationsGroup?: {
     * Defines the notification's width, specifying the number of columns it should span
     * @default 12
    columnSpan?: 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12;

     * List of notifications that should be shown on this page.
     * @default []
     * @examples [[{"context": "info", "message": "This is an info message", "closable": false}, {"context": "error", "title": "Error title", "message": "This is an error message"}]]
    items: NotificationConfig[];

   * A configuration of the Building Block that will be displayed as overarching details above the page content area.
  overarchingDetailsBlock?: OverarchingDetailsBlockConfiguration;
  /** A Building Block that will be shown in the top area of the page and will stick to the top of the window */
  bannerBlock?: BannerBlockConfiguration;

 * During the generation process this data is read to output Expansion Panels. Building
 * Blocks can refer to the given Panel Id to be grouped with it.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface PanelDefinition {
   * Set to true if this panel should be collapsed initially. By default the panel is expanded.
   * @default false
  collapsed?: boolean;

   * Unique ID for the Panel to be referred to by Building Blocks.
  id: string;

   * Choose the style for the panel. Default is 'REGULAR' for expert journeys and 'LIGHT' for
   * retail journeys. There is also 'EXTRA-LIGHT'.
  style?: StyleOfThePanel;

   * The given value is used as the default title for the generated panel. i18n needs to be
   * supported by the generated application and will use this value as the default translation.
  title?: string;
   * Optionally provide a section Id for this panel. A panel without a
   * section will be treated as its own section.
  section?: string;

 * Choose the style for the panel. Default is 'REGULAR' for expert journeys and 'LIGHT' for
 * retail journeys. There is also 'EXTRA-LIGHT'.
export const enum StyleOfThePanel {
  ExtraLight = 'EXTRA-LIGHT',
  Light = 'LIGHT',
  Regular = 'REGULAR'

 * Page Sections can be used to group Building Blocks into visually connected sections.
 * Building Blocks can refer to the given Section Id to be grouped within it.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface PageSectionDefinition {
   * Unique ID for the Page Section to be referred to by Building Blocks.
  id: string;

   * The provided title will appear at the top of the section.
   * @examples ["My Section"]
  title?: string;

   * Set to true if you want to add a divider line below this section.
   * By default, the section does not contain a divider line.
   * @default false
  dividerLineBelow?: boolean;

 * Configuration for a plugin that specifies a package and the modules from that package to
 * be used, with optional options per module
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface PluginConfiguration {
  modules: Module[];
  package: string;

export interface Module {
  name: string;
  options?: { [key: string]: unknown };

 * Configuration for generating a webcomponent out of this application
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface WebcomponentConfiguration {
  inputs?: WebcomponentInput[];

 * List of inputs that this webcomponent accepts. Each input will be placed into the store
 * for later access.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface WebcomponentInput {
   * The name of this input. This will be used as the HTML attribute that can be used to
   * specify this input. HTML attributes only allow kebap-case so if you specify an input in
   * camelCase, e.g. 'policyId', you need to pass it to the web component as 'policy-id="..."'.
   * @examples ["policyId", "auth-token"]
  name: string;

   * The json expression at which the value of this input will be placed in the store.
   * @examples ["$.inputs.policyId", "$.auth.token"]
  storeExpression: string;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""