


Configuration for a dynamic dropdown field.






autoPrefill (Optional)
Type boolean

If there is only one option, pre-fill the field. Default is not to prefill.

clearOptionLabel (Optional)
Type string

The label for the option to clear the currently selected value. If this label is set, the clear option will be displayed when the dropdown has a value. It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.

filterPlaceholder (Optional)
Type string

Placeholder text for the dropdown filter field.

This is what is displayed when no filter expression has been entered yet.

inputPrefix (Optional)
Type string

Prefix text to place at the start of this field's input. It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.

inputSuffix (Optional)
Type string

Suffix text to place at the end of this field's input. It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.

optionalLabel (Optional)
Type string

Text that is additionally displayed in the label if the field is not mandatory.

Type DfOptions[] | string

The "options" property can take one of two forms:

  1. A hardcoded array of objects for direct display in a dropdown menu. Each object must have a "label" to display and a corresponding "value".
  2. A string that represents an expression. This expression is used by an option provider service to dynamically fetch the dropdown options.
placeholder (Optional)
Type string

Placeholder to be displayed in the field when the input is empty. It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.

showFilter (Optional)
Type boolean

Whether the dropdown should be filterable or not.

If set and true the dropdown values can be filtered.

If not set or false, the dropdown will not be filterable.


Specifies the type of the field as DROPDOWN.

import { DfInteractiveBaseConfig, DfOptions } from '@allianz/taly-core/dynamic-form';

 * The value to use for the `type` attribute of dropdown
 * formfield configs.
export const DfDropdownTypeName = 'DROPDOWN';

 * Configuration for a dynamic dropdown field.
 * @additionalProperties false
export interface DfDropdownConfig extends DfInteractiveBaseConfig {
   * Specifies the type of the field as `DROPDOWN`.
  type: typeof DfDropdownTypeName;

   * Placeholder to be displayed in the field when the input is empty.
   * It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.
   * @examples ["Placeholder", "Placeholder with dynamic value {$['bb-pgr-simple'].date}"]
  placeholder?: string;

   * The "options" property can take one of two forms:
   * 1. A hardcoded array of objects for direct display in a dropdown menu. Each object must have a "label" to display and a corresponding "value".
   * 2. A string that represents an expression. This expression is used by an option provider service to dynamically fetch the dropdown options.
   * @examples [[{"label": "The first option", "value": "1"}], "$.myExpression"]
  options: DfOptions[] | string;

   * Whether the dropdown should be filterable or not.
   * If set and `true` the dropdown values can be filtered.
   * If not set or `false`, the dropdown will not be filterable.
  showFilter?: boolean;

   * Placeholder text for the dropdown filter field.
   * This is what is displayed when no filter expression has been entered yet.
  filterPlaceholder?: string;

   * If there is only one option, pre-fill the field. Default is not to prefill.
  autoPrefill?: boolean;

   * The label for the option to clear the currently selected value.
   * If this label is set, the clear option will be displayed when the dropdown has a value.
   * It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.
  clearOptionLabel?: string;

   * Prefix text to place at the start of this field's input.
   * It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.
  inputPrefix?: string;

   * Suffix text to place at the end of this field's input.
   * It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.
  inputSuffix?: string;

   * Text that is additionally displayed in the label if the field is not mandatory.
   * @examples ["Optional"]
  optionalLabel?: string;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""