


Common interface for all configuration types for formfield components.




acl (Optional)
Type DfFieldAcl[]

ACL rules to be applied to this field.

columnSpan (Optional)
Type number

This field's custom size.

Number of column(s) the element should span. It's only applicable with the "CUSTOM_COLUMN" layout. The value can be 1-12, following the 12-column grid system. The default value is 12.

Type string

This field's ID.

The ID will serve as the ACL resource name for the form field. If the field is a form element, it will also be used as a form control name within the FormGroup to which it is added. IDs must be unique within your form.

infoIcon (Optional)
Type DfInfoIconConfig

Info icon with associated pop-over.

Type string

This field's label. It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.

renderName (Optional)
Type string

The optional renderName is added as the attribute "data-render-name" to the df-formfield elements in the DOM. It can be used to find the rendered element of a specific field of a form.

spacing (Optional)
Type DfFormfieldSpacing

This field's custom spacing.

If defined, it will be used to set the spacing between this field and the next one.

testId (Optional)
Type string

The id used to select the element in the tests (unit test, e2e testing)

Type string

This field's type.

import { AclRuleState } from '@allianz/taly-acl';
import { type BusinessEventConfig, type DynamicFormValidationConfig } from '@allianz/taly-core';
import { InjectionToken, Type } from '@angular/core';
import { type DfFormLayout } from '../utils/form-layout/form-layout.model';
import { type DfInfoIconConfig } from './info-icon.model';

// Why is this here?
// Because there was a circular dependency...
export interface BaseDynamicFormConfiguration<T extends DfBaseConfig = DfBaseConfig> {
  layout?: DfFormLayout;
  fields: T[];
   * ACL rules to be applied to this form.
  acl?: DfFormAcl[];

 * Common interface for all configuration types for formfield components.
export interface DfBaseConfig {
   * This field's type.
  type: string;

   * This field's ID.
   * The ID will serve as the ACL resource name for the form field. If the field is a form element, it will also be used as a form control name within the FormGroup to which it is added.
   * IDs must be unique within your form.
   * @examples ["myField"]
  id: string;

   * The optional renderName is added as the attribute "data-render-name" to the df-formfield elements in the DOM.
   * It can be used to find the rendered element of a specific field of a form.
  renderName?: string;

   * This field's label.
   * It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.
   * @examples ["My label", "My label {$['bb-pgr-simple'].person.firstName}"]
  label: string;

   * Info icon with associated pop-over.
  infoIcon?: DfInfoIconConfig;

   * This field's custom size.
   * Number of column(s) the element should span. It's only applicable with the "CUSTOM_COLUMN" layout.
   * The value can be 1-12, following the 12-column grid system. The default value is 12.
  columnSpan?: number;

   * This field's custom spacing.
   * If defined, it will be used to set the spacing between this field and the next one.
  spacing?: DfFormfieldSpacing;

   * The id used to select the element in the tests (unit test, e2e testing)
  testId?: string;

   * ACL rules to be applied to this field.
  acl?: DfFieldAcl[];

export type DfInteractiveEventConfig = Exclude<BusinessEventConfig, string>;

export interface DfInteractiveBaseConfig extends DfBaseConfig {
   * The field's initial value.
   * If set, the field will be pre-filled with / pre-set to this value.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  value?: any;

   * Validators to set on this form field.
  validators?: DynamicFormValidationConfig[];

   * The hint text to be displayed under the field.
   * It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.
   * @examples ["Hint text", "Hint text with dynamic value {$['bb-pgr-simple'].date}"]
  hint?: string;

   * The note text is displayed in an info message box below the field.
   * It's translatable by default and supports string interpolation.
   * @examples ["Note", "Note with dynamic value {$['bb-pgr-simple'].date}"]
  note?: string;

   * Configure either a PFE action or service activator configuration handler for the field's `valueChanges` event.
  onValueChangesEvent?: DfInteractiveEventConfig;

   * Configure either a PFE action or service activator configuration handler for the field's `blur` event.
  onBlurEvent?: DfInteractiveEventConfig;

export interface DfFieldAcl {
   * State can be either "hidden", "readonly", "disabled", "visible" or "editable"
  state: AclRuleState;

   * Conditions are evaluated using the library filtrex.
   * Please refer to their documentation for details on how to write conditions:
   * In addition to what filtrex provides out of the box, you can use the function s(\"$['state-key']\") to use values from the application state in your conditions.
   * Please note that a specific usage of quotes is required. Filtrex ONLY uses double quotes (") for strings, never single quotes (').
   * However, inside the s() expressions, single quotes have to be used.
   * These are examples of valid conditions:
   *  - s(\"$['my-dynamic-form'].myRadioButtons\") == \"first\"
   *  - s(\"$['my-dynamic-form'].myRadioButtons\")
   * @TJS-pattern ^((?!\').|\[.*\'.*\])*$
   * @examples ["s(\"$['my-dynamic-form'].myRadioButtons\") == \"first\"", "s(\"$['my-dynamic-form'].myRadioButtons\")"]
  // This aims to prevent the usage of single quotes that could lead to silent failures.
  // Since Filtrex treats everything inside single quotes as a property, it silently transforms the given expression to `undefined`.
  condition?: string;

export interface DfFormAcl extends DfFieldAcl {
   * Path to the ACL resource or the target that the ACL rule should be applied to.
   * The path can either be an "id" of the child fields or an asterisk (*) if you want to target the entire form.
  path: string;

export const DfFormfieldSpacing = {
  none: 'NONE',
  xs: 'XS',
  s: 'S',
  m: 'M',
  l: 'L',
  xl: 'XL',
  xxl: 'XXL'
} as const;
export type DfFormfieldSpacing = (typeof DfFormfieldSpacing)[keyof typeof DfFormfieldSpacing];

export type DfComponentConfig = {
  load: () => Promise<Record<string, Type<unknown>>>;
  componentName: string;
  moduleName?: string;

export const NATIVE_DYNAMIC_FORM_COMPONENTS = new InjectionToken<Record<string, DfComponentConfig>>(
    factory: () => {
      throw new Error('NATIVE_DYNAMIC_FORM_COMPONENTS is not provided');

export interface DfEventPayload {
  type: string;
  fieldIdConfig: string;
  data?: unknown;

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