import { cpSync, existsSync, rmSync } from 'node:fs';
import { basename, join } from 'node:path';
import { Journey } from '../../../../../lib/model';
import { writeJourneyToFolder } from '../../../write/write';
import { appsFolder, configFolder, isLocalPath } from '../../utils/constants';
import { execAsync } from '../../utils/exec-async';
interface CreateJourneyOptions {
destinationDirectory: string;
configDirectory: string;
journeyConfig: Journey;
envPath: string | undefined;
aquilaTheme: string | undefined;
journeyName: string;
export async function createJourney(options: CreateJourneyOptions) {
// TODO: figure out if app already exists in workspace using nx tooling
// maybe use `nx graph --file output.json` to get details about
// generated project to figure out the actual root path of the new project
// and then use `nx g remove <app-name>` to remove it
const appsDirectory = join(options.destinationDirectory, appsFolder);
const journeyDirectory = join(appsDirectory, options.journeyName);
if (existsSync(appsDirectory)) {
// TODO: maybe ask the user if they really want to overwrite an existing journey
rmSync(appsDirectory, { recursive: true, force: true });
//adds projects.json file and installs necessary dependencies
await execAsync(`npx nx generate journey --name ${options.journeyName}`, {
cwd: options.destinationDirectory,
env: {
const journeyConfigDirectory = join(journeyDirectory, configFolder);
// We are not interested in the journey config files, but other content like assets and translations
cpSync(options.configDirectory, journeyConfigDirectory, {
recursive: true
// Write the validated in-memory journey config to the new journey
writeJourneyToFolder(options.journeyConfig, journeyConfigDirectory);
if (options.envPath) {
const fileName = basename(options.envPath);
const envPathDestination = join(journeyDirectory, configFolder, fileName);
cpSync(options.envPath, envPathDestination);
if (options.aquilaTheme && isLocalPath(options.aquilaTheme)) {
const fileName = basename(options.aquilaTheme);
const aquilaThemePathDestination = join(journeyDirectory, configFolder, fileName);
cpSync(options.aquilaTheme, aquilaThemePathDestination);