Extract Plugin Metadata

TALY provides an executor which extracts the metadata of all Plugins in a library and writes it to a file named plugin-metadata.json. This file is intended to be (re-)generated for each release and must be published along with the library for AJL Editor to read it.

1. Setup

In the project configuration, add a extract-plugin-metadata target to the project corresponding to the Plugin library. For example:

"my-team-plugin-lib": {
  "projectType": "library",
  "root": "libs/my-team-plugin-lib",
  "sourceRoot": "libs/my-team-plugin-lib/src",
  "prefix": "itmp",
  "targets": {
    "extract-plugin-metadata": {
      "executor": "@allianz/taly-nx:extract-plugin-metadata"

2. How to Run

From the root of your workspace, execute the following command to run the metadata extraction on your Plugin library:

# nx workspace
npx nx extract-plugin-metadata my-team-plugin-lib

# ng workspace
ng run my-team-plugin-lib:extract-plugin-metadata

🧩 In the plugins recipe you will find several Plugin Libraries that are configured to run this executor and get their metadata extracted. See the documentation here for more information.

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